Call or e-mail today:

Tel. 904.571.1194


State Certified Pool Contractor: CPC1458015

Any unlicensed or uninsured contractor that gets hurt at your home: you are 100% liable
(Ask to see a license and insurance before the job starts)

Most all work done does need a permit
(Ask to see one before the job starts)

Any contractor using unlicensed and uninsured sub-contractors: you are 100% liable
(Ask to see license and insurance before job starts)

Any people who work on or provide materials for your job and do not get paid: you are 100% liable (Get lien release at each payment)

Any damage done to city or county property: you are 100% liable
(Broken sidewalks, waterlines, pavement)

Any environmental damage done: you are 100% liable
(Dumping trash, draining water, killing protected plants)

Low, too good to be true price
Ready to start right away, does most work on weekends
Vehicles with no signs, no job signs
Employees with no company shirts
No license number on proposals, cards, or vehicles