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State Certified Pool Contractor: CPC1458015

Our goal as swimming pool professionals is to educate all pool owners about the new law before making the wrong decision. Before you make another purchase for your swimming pool or spa, please read the following. Are you aware of new House Bill of Representatives Bill 7135?

In short there is a new law coming July 1st 2011 that will effect everyone in the State of Florida with a swimming pool. Please see the actual House Bill #7135 below.

Pool pages from House Bill 7135

Entire House Bill 7135

Did you know that your existing pool pump could be costing $620 to $1360 a year in Electricty? Please take time and click on the cost calculator to see how much you could be saving or call us to learn more.

Cost Calculater For Intelliflo Pumps
(JEA Cost per Kilowatt is .12 cents)

How would you like FREE POOL SERVICE? Give us a call and we will show you how.

Main Drain Covers

One of the pumps available also comes with a safety vacuum release system (SVRS). It can detect drain blockage and automatically shut itself off. The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act now mandates the use of anti-entrapment drain covers and circulation and drainage systems. The 2007 Florida Building Code, provides that all new residential pools follow the ANSI/APSP 7 suction entrapment avoidance standard. The reason for this new law is due to the tragic death of a 6-year old girl in a public wading pool in Minnesota.